
    Getting Started with ESPHome

    Today we will be taking a look at setting up your first ESPhome device in Home Assistant.


    ESPHome is a tool which aims to make managing your ESP boards as simple as possible. It reads in a YAML configuration file and creates custom firmware which it installs on your ESP device. Devices or sensors added in ESPHome’s configuration will automatically show up in Home Assistant’s UI.
    Source :Getting Started with ESPHome and Home Assistant — ESPHome

    For more information on how to install esphome feel free to take a look at This guide

    Things needed

    1. ESP8266 or ESP32 Device
    2. Power supply to power the ESP 3.3v/USB
    3. USB Data cable (since we will be using a esp board that has a usb port) or usb to TTL
    4. Home Assistant with Esphome addon Installed
    5. Sensor module/s in this guide we will be using a relay and a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensors.
    6. Jumper/dupont cables depending on how you will be connecting the devices together

    Secrets file code used.

    Currently in my secrets file I have only added my wifi credentials this is to simplify setup of future devices and we will be discussing this more in the future.

    wifi_ssid: "YourWifiNetowkname"
    wifi_password: "YourWifiPassord"

    Code for single relay

    Remember to confirm you are using the correct GPIO pin.

      - platform: gpio
        pin: GPIO05
        inverted: true
        name: "Relay"

    If you are using a different relay and the on/off switch is inverted you can change the option “Inverted” to “false” instead of true.

    Code For DHT11

      - platform: dht
        pin: GPIO04
          name: "DHT Temp"
          name: "DHT Humidity"
        update_interval: 10s

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